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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City’s Anti-Recycling/Homeless Harassment Program

Yeah, county problem resolved, city's turn! I swear, I don't know why my head isn't bloody from beating it against the walls the city and county governments keep putting up . . . and why? What is the point? Today's not insignificant problem . . . that needs to be resolved, today. We're a public nuisance!

In the Interest of “Public Safety” . . .

Go ahead, throw out that stuff - ignoring the realities of how the homeless have no place to put their stuff.

City Watershed Studies and Meetings

On the West side of Madison the city has started several studies to address the flooding issues. Here's the info and some meetings you can attend to learn more.

That’s My Madison

Isthmus ran a controversial cover piece this week, called Not My Madison. The author, Terry McCoy, a returning member of the Peace Corps, thinks...

Where do the Homeless Go in this Heat?

Word on the street is that you will get arrested for trespassing if you are in the city-county building and that the city has...

More Complete list of Madison Ordianances in Jeopardy

This list still isn't complete, but its teh list of the Madison ordinances to protect tenants that are at risk due to LRB 1931 or now known as AB183. Hearing tomorrow at 10:00. Public_Notice_5-2-13_Housing_and_Real_Estate

See You at the Wedding Tonight?

After you're done protesting M&I bank tonight, make your way over to High Noon . . . for a wedding!

Future of the City Could Be Decided Here

Input needed by February 1 regarding a potential Community Services/Development reorganization. I'm so glad the this Mayor is asking, "how can we do better?" As opposed to Mayor Dave who asked "how can I get these people off my back?"

City Week Ahead

Election Week . . . no meetings on Tuesday . . . but it looks like a week where there is a whole bunch missing that will be added later . . . so you might want to check back later this week

No Paintball Guns in Parks . . . Please.

Check this out. Pay attention to your dogs in James Madison Park.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Late noticed City meetings and a random sampling of things I found to be of interest, hopefully you do too! West Wilson St. and E Johnson St. road reconstructions, watershed study public meetings, Bernie's coming to town (will you be able to find him?), jumping worms and more.