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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Pierre Sprey on the F-35 Boondoggle (Video)

F-35s blow up if they get hit by lightening?  They can't fly if the sun is out and its too hot?  They won't be a defense for the midwest, they can only fly short distances without being refueled and more.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead – 1/27/20

Eliminating the Committee on the Environment, Borrowing for MG&E, new Planning, Community and Economic Director, Historic Preservation Plan, Board of Health Intergovernmental Agreement, busy Urban Design Agenda, golf and more!

Madison Plans to Tow Cars

Bummed is what you are when you go out to your car and it's been towed . . . don't be bummed.
round up

Round Up 1/23/20

Didja miss me?  3 trips to the ER and 2 admissions, but I'm back!  Here's a round up of a bunch of random that I didn't cover in the past week.

Natural Gas Leak at Former Downtown MATC Campus

Please avoid the area of Johnson, Dayton, North Carroll and Wisconsin Ave. in downtown Madison.
consent agenda

What will the Madison City Council talk about tonight? (Updated)

Truly you never know!  But, this is what they have picked out in advance - Ad Hoc Police Policy and Urban Forestry Report.  They will also likely talk about items people show up to speak about.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead – Committee Agendas

What's next with the Structure of City Government report, 2021 budget process, AirBnB ordinance, Ad hoc Police Policy, employee survey and Urban Forestry reports at council meeting, plastic straw ordinance and more this week.

City of Madison Workplace Climate Survey Report

Seems like we have a lot more work to do on gender equity.  The report is a very interesting read. There was even a comment about me/the mayor in there! Sigh.

Take Action: Trump trying to undo Fair Housing laws

Comment due to the federal government by March 16 - see below from the National Low Income Housing Coalition to get more info and submit comments.  Consider commenting today.

Defensive: Fiscal Note on Government Changes

Seems the finance department is feeling a little defensive about criticisms of their fiscal note on the Task Force on Government Structure Report.
round up

Round Up

Hello world!  Here's a little round up of things that have come up in the last week you may be interested in - all local government or community related.

Madison Snow Emergency Cancelled

It's time to complain about the cities snow plowing strategy . . . the city unpredictable then blames the people who park downtown.