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Topics related to the city of Madison.

WYOU Moving On . . .

This is what has been distracting me all week, (I'm on the board of WYOU as well as being a producer) . . . laying off three very good people and trying to figure out what needs to be done to keep the station running. What the station will become in this new era is up to us! If you want to help, let me know! And, hey, if you can donate, please do. It's more important than ever!

Dane Dems, AFSCME 171, PD, and over 100 individuals Sign on

We just got done writing this letter at 4:00 on Tuesday, less than 48 hours later, we have major support from 20 organizations and over 100 individuals.

I’m So Disappointed in Kelda Helen Roys

And it appears, I'm not alone. Fellow legislators call on her to clean up her act! Legislators Call on Rep. Roys to End False...

Whoville and Eugene SLEEPS

Also in Eugene, is something that will look more familiar to Madison . . .

Right to Petition City Government (Electronically) Denied

For the past year - minus two days?

Mayoral Pre-Primary Finance Reports Are In!

Here's the totals and their "war chests". Tomorrow - who giving money to whom . . . another $119,249 raised by the candidates during this reporting period (Jan 1 - Feb 4). $181,956 spent.

What’s a Billboard Worth?

We still can't figure it out, apparently, as we lose another lawsuit.

Edgewater Round Up

Yeah, it just won't go away . . . it's at the Council meeting Tuesday, UDC Wednesday, going back to Landmarks soon, and of course, the Joint Review Board on the 29th. And the management agreement still has to be approved by Plan Commission and Council.

It’s FRIDAY! Round Up

Another week gone . . . chilly weather on the way . . . October is here.


Saw this video made by some guys from Oakland, CA and it rocked and needed to be shared!

Other Not in the News Round Up

Upcoming events, requests non-profits, neighborhood association news, etc. It's been a while, so my apologies if your events have already gone by and I didn't post them . . .

What Will Happen at 800 E Washington?

In case you missed this over the holidays . . . Mayor Soglin Announces Request for Proposals for Don Miller Site Highlights East Washington Avenue Development...