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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Central Library Delayed Over Technicality

Contractors don't want to hire women and minority owned businesses. Threaten legal challenge.

Thurs. – MLK Day Round Up

You'd think 5 days of news would be quite the challenge but besides the Packers and MLK day, there's not really that much.

Council Recap

Live, kinda - i.e. no editing and briefer than usual.

Hippie Christman Grinch!

Before you take something off the curb this year, beware, the City is cracking down and may ticket you!

Occupy Update – Transportation?

After a week a Token Creek Park Campground - still no transportation, water, laundry, showers, etc. But hey, there's this! 5 PORTA-POTTIES TRANSPORTATION OFFER NOT...

Mayor and Council Say Madison Should have Local Control! Don’t ruin our communities!

They are better Republicans than the Republicans in the Assembly . . . could the City be headed to court to challenge Local Control and Uniformity? I wish. I really don't know, but the mayor raises a really, really good issue (read why I love this mayor even tho we don't always agree!). Best quote: Ald. Lauren Cnare "this is about more than being mean to renters, its about ruining neighborhoods"!
Snow Emergency

Here we go again . . .

Snow emergency . . . a.k.a. parking emergency, for another two nights.

I’m Sick (and Tired) Round Up

Why do I have a cold this time of the year? This is stupid. Anyways, slept in since I worked til 11:00 last night, so my blogging will be slow this morning.

Changes at Overture

The Foundation changes its name and adds board members. Will any of it make a difference, now that they are allegedly on their own and can't come back to the city? Or will they fail and will they be back? They have a lot of money to raise every year in a bad economy.

Apologies . . .

So, I haven't posted in several days. Have 16 days of video footage with some good stuff and no time to edit ....

Carol Lobes: A Bill of Pariculars

Governor Scott Walker and Republican Co-Conspirators’ Blatant, Divisive Actions to Destroy Cooperation and Collective Bargaining in the State of Wisconsin

Here We Go . . . 1st Snow Plowing Update of the Year!

Yup . . . its that time of the year again . . .