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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Don’t Bother with the Change.org Petition!

Bah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!! Giggle. City overwhelmed by change.org -- emails from the site blocked. Damn slactivists!

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Potentially nothing. No alders have separated any items for discussion - however, public hearing items or items the public shows up to speak on might be discussed.

Local Government News Round Up

This is a bit late, I got into a gardening project or two last week and abandoned all thoughts of blogging, but it was half done, so I finished it!  Here's the round up of last week's news in case you had your own gardening project or other distraction and didn't pay attention!

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part I)

There was a lot on the agenda, only one issue that was discussed.

$250,000 for Tenney Park Shelter in Exchange for . . .

Donors, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Check this out, from the resolution WHEREAS, Donor, as defined below, has expressed a desire to close...

Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

Apologies . . .

So, I haven't posted in several days. Have 16 days of video footage with some good stuff and no time to edit ....

Carol Lobes: A Bill of Pariculars

Governor Scott Walker and Republican Co-Conspirators’ Blatant, Divisive Actions to Destroy Cooperation and Collective Bargaining in the State of Wisconsin

City Week Ahead

Another day, another week, more meetings. But none tonight.

Occu-PIE Fundraiser

January 29th, Fountain Bar, 5 - 7:30, Pie, Music by Combustible Trio, cash bar, good times. See you there! Let me know if you want to sponsor.

County Comprehensive Planning Update

Ok, I went to the meeting last week. Of course, I was the only mere citizen, and there is a really good reasons...

Everything You Need to Know about 2014 Capital Budget, So Far (Updated!)

Yeah people, the budget has begun. Tonight the council seeks input on their initial amendments for the Capital Budget that are due tomorrow at noon, to be voted on at the Board of Estimates on Monday!