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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The Absurdity of Running a Non-Profit . . .

Two things that happened in the last 24 hours have made me stop and think about how absurd my job of the last 16 plus years as Executive Director of the Tenant Resource Center has become . . . and makes me wonder how much worse it will get

City Week Ahead

Another day, another week, more meetings. But none tonight.

Occu-PIE Fundraiser

January 29th, Fountain Bar, 5 - 7:30, Pie, Music by Combustible Trio, cash bar, good times. See you there! Let me know if you want to sponsor.

County Comprehensive Planning Update

Ok, I went to the meeting last week. Of course, I was the only mere citizen, and there is a really good reasons...

Everything You Need to Know about 2014 Capital Budget, So Far (Updated!)

Yeah people, the budget has begun. Tonight the council seeks input on their initial amendments for the Capital Budget that are due tomorrow at noon, to be voted on at the Board of Estimates on Monday!

Likely Incomplete City Week Ahead

Absurdly inaccurate, likely many additions and changes to be announced throughout the week . . . with an obnoxious amount of meetings during the day when most people are at work . . . and less and less links.

Mark Clear doesn’t get it Council Recap ( Part III)

My sincere apologies, here is the rest of the the recap, parts one and two are the rest of the meeting. This is...

Do you want monthly water bills?

It'll probably help your finances a whole lot better than the tax bill item them Mayor has arguing with the county over, but its not in his budget. The council will get a briefing on it tomorrow, even tho its not on the weekly meeting schedule . . . yet . . .

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

A Brief Update on Two New Anti-Tenant Laws

This week there were two new anti-tenant bills that have been circulating up at the capitol. This is a brief update on what I know so far . . . subject to more investigation and interpretation! These will affect not just Madison and Dane County - this one affects ALL Wisconsin tenants!!!

The Week Ahead

Um, that's a lot of meetings this week!

City Week Ahead

December! You'd never know it.