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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Susan Pastor: Municipal Building – Offices? Or Hotel?

Madison’s Historic Municipal Building: City Offices or “Bold”, “Creative” Private Venture (and other problems with the Judge Doyle Square project)

County Board Will Address Occupy/Homelessness Too!

Thanking Occupy and creating the same committee the city did . . . despite council concerns that they wouldn't. They can't really fix what the council did, since they don't control the land that Occupy is on, but they're doing what they can.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 changes to City “Weekly Schedule” (Updated! ...

so . . tired . . . of . . . this . . . its absurd they can't do this better. I don't think they are trying. Public gets 1 - 2 day notices of public meetings - that's not right

BREAKTHROUGH! Parisi Talks! And Listens!

Yesterday was yet another amazing day in the saga of the fight for homeless rights and the Occupy saga. (photo by Jen Thompson)

This is why Economic Development can be Hard!

Confidentiality. And rarely do you see a letter as open and honest as this.

Hovde TIF Agreement

Wow. This is pretty complicated, no alders asked questions, and I'm beginning to wonder if they understand it. And it looks like another $3.4M for structured parking . . . .

Hulsey Really Blows It – Not Trustworthy.

Spencer Black rethinking his endorsement. Kristin has a big chunk of the story. Here's the latest statement: Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 9:24...

City Week Ahead! Cancelled?

An unusual number of cancellations noted on the weekly schedule . . .

James Madison Park Surplus Property Committee meeting, January 13 2011

The City’s James Madison Park Disposal Surplus Property Criteria and Selection Committee met on January 13, 2011. The tl;dr version: The committee will accept proposals that would move two of the houses, but won’t require a move and will in fact give a slight boost to proposals that leave the houses in place. No proposal that moves the Collins House will be considered. Proposals for the Collins House will be biased towards uses that have some sort of public accommodation. The committee drew up a list of criteria they’ll use to evaluate proposals as well as the weight each criteria will receive. Staff will use that to prepare a final version of the RFP, which the committee will vote on at their January 26th meeting. The target referendum (required because its a shoreline property) is February or April of next year.

Wow, Racist Bar Policies Ok with Police and Mayor?

I'm not even talking R Place. I'm talking about the policies where you have to have a state DRIVER'S LICENSE (ID not ok) or...

Solidarity for Verizon strikers from Wisconsin

FYI: US Uncut-WI will meet again to plan more solidarity actions at 6pm on Friday, Aug. 19 at MATC Downtown. When workers rights were under...

City Operating Budget -Parks and Golf Enterprise

Also from Monday night at Board of Estimates.