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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

Soglin’s Thoughts on State St.

I attended a meeting with the Capital Neighborhoods neighborhood association and heard Paul Soglin's thoughts on State St. I didn't take my super detailed notes, only whatever I could type on my smart phone, but here's a summary - on a wide range of issues.

Progressive Dane Garden Party

Will you be there?

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part I: Prioritize Chronically Homeless for...

HUD wants has some lofty goals of ending homelessness, some communities are taking this task very seriously. HUD is issuing statements about guidance of what they expect to see. In permanent supportive housing, HUD wants us to prioritize chronically homeless persons. Will we?

Overture Resolution To Come Before Council

Here's some insights into what the council will be asked to decide and when . . . Looks like they may have learned a few things about negotiation from the library debacle.

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Tomorrow

Planning the next steps . . . and where to begin . . .

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's a slice of recent news . . .

Maniaci Wants Steak Not Salad

She wants her free trips worth "thousands of dollars" and hundred dollar meals cuz the alternatives are a "nightmare". Health care, I could at least understand, this, is just, wow.

The City’s Grand Housing Plan?

Seriously, after years of study, this is what they have come up with?

Dec. 21 – Homeless Person’s Memorial Service

The longest day of the year . . . also one of the saddest.

Random Round Up

All kinds of things going on, they are not full posts on their own . . . so here they are mashed together! WILLY ST...

Turning our tech dreams into reality: how do we know what to buy?

The city is buying some technology upgrades for Madison Metro. We can come up with cool things it should do all day long, but if we don't think about how to write the RFP, it won't matter. What can we learn from other cities?