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Topics related to the city of Madison.

“Neighborhood” Concerns About Salvation Army?

This neighbor, from a block and a half away has this concern - they need more space to serve everyone in need, no one should be forced to have sex to have a place to stay or sleep in their car or on the streets. It's not safe. But . . . I don't think that is what these neighbors have in mind . . . meeting tonight!

Token Creek Disaster Area – UPDATED

This is how the county treats the homeless. #$%#@! And now the van isn't going to pick people up today.

Are we ending homelessness in Dane County?

So hard to tell.  Based on the point-in-time count (one of several measurements) compared to 5 years ago family homelessness is down by 37%, singles and chronic homelessness are about the same, and veterans increased by 4 persons.

Tony Galli

UGGG. We all know that Scott Walker is in trouble. His poll numbers are tanking. His absolute love of cronyism at...

City Capital Budget – Agency Presentations (Day 1, Part 1)

This is the first night (from last Monday night) where we hear about the Mayor's Capital Budget. Staff will be presenting and alders will be asking questions. Finance committee budget amendments will be due Wednesday at noon, public hearing on Tuesday at the Council meeting. If you have input you might want to talk to your alder ASAP.
Round Up

Round Up

A smattering of things from all kinds of email lists and alerts that I have that may be of interest to you. Tends to be local government, neighborhood or gardening related.
Round Up

Round Up – Wed 10/2/19 & Mo’ Meetings

Mo' meetings, news, city and county budgets are out, city updates, housing and homelessness updates and more.

More Money for George Austin for Judge Doyle Square

It's a good job if you can get it! Tonight the Finance Committee is planning to fork over more money to George Austin for the Judge Doyle Square debacle. After that, the Finance Committee will go into closed session to talk about the legal troubles. Just how much money has George Austin been paid throughout this, uh, journey of what feels like forever?
Round Up

Thursday Round Up – 9/24/19

News, gardening events, looking for hosts for international students, fair housing training, Tenant Resource Center volunteers needed, etc.
Homeless outreach workers

Dane County Homeless Outreach Services

At least once a week someone asks me about a person experiencing homelessness they are concerned about. Most of them are not in the shelters for whatever reason. Sadly, most of the time, the answers are not what people want to hear. Here's the official answer about Dane County Homeless Outreach Services.

Madison Property Management – Doesn’t Care about the Law

Students, renters, beware. They have no qualms about violating your rights if you live downtown this weekend, or anytime else.

Candidates Answers on Homelessness

Well, some of them. Includes questions of school board members.