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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Catching Up: Plans to Redevelop East and West Towne Areas

This is from the Plan Commission Monday night, and was an amendment during the Finance Committee Budget meeting.  Here's what the city plans to do.

Council Budget Meeting Recap – Night 2 Capital Budget (Amdmts 7 – 12)

This is the last amendments to the Capital Budget (Reindahl Library, Hartmeyer property, Vision Zero, traffic signal), the vote on the entire capital budget and the setting the levy with lots of thank you.

Council Budget Meeting Recap – Night 2 Capital Budget (Amdmts 1 – 6)

Purchasing an ambulance, affordable housing fund and quiet zones.

Council Budget Meeting Recap, Night 2 Operating Budget

Independent Auditor survives, FIC gets their funding and the rest of the operating amendments are here.

Common Council Budget Recap – Night One, Part Two

This is the police officer discussion and the approximately last 2 hours of the meeting.  Fear and perception vs. fact and we need data people can use to decide how many police we need.

City Council Budget Recap – Night One, Part One

A brief summer of roughly the first 4 hours - public input and 9th ambulance, with related budget cuts including the independent auditor (also amendment 4)

Homeless Bills Stalled in Legislature til January

Here is the update from the Wisconsin Coalition Against Homelessness.  This is an initiative both the city and county have given a couple thousands of dollars a year to.

Finance Committee Recap

Beyond the headlines.  Housing Initiates job going away, city to negotiate removing concrete barriers blocking bike path, Judge Doyle Square discussion and 3rd Quarter Budget updates, which departments are going over their budget and why?

2 Changes in City Budget Process

Operating Budget will be considered first and a portion of the budget will require a two-third vote to violate budgeting policies.

Let’s Make Data Driven Decisions on Police

Do we really need more officers?  Or do we need police officers to stick with policing activities and find resources for other needed services?  Greg Gelembuik spells it out for us, with data!
round up

Round Up – Monday, 11/11/19

Snow plowing updates, F-35 updates, Judge Doyle Square neighborhood meeting, upcoming events and neighborhood meetings and more!

No Public Input on Edgewood at Plan Commission?

Wow.  They haven't had public input since August but the public hearing has been closed.  It's unconscionable that Plan Commission wouldn't re-open the public hearing and allow public input.