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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Good Meeting Tweet, Brings Bad Journalism

Apparently in today's Wisconsin, random "tweets" are now what is classified as news! We have one of the most extreme budgets in our...

Where Do You Buy Your Healthy Food?

Hope to see you tonight . . .

Operating Budget Amendments by Alders (Updated 2)

Here's what the Board of Estimates will be discussing on Monday.

James Madison Park Houses

Presentations on the proposals and input from the public from Thursday evening . . . if you're one of the many who left after the questions, you missed the last 20 minutes of discussion and may want to check it out.

How is this Supposed to Work?

I ask again, can you imagine being homeless in this weather - where temperatures are going to be cold enough that after 10 minutes outside you can get frostbite. A permanent, comprehensive day center is what we need. We desperately need it for the beginning of next week. A van carrying 15 people at a time can't possible help the over 200 single men and women experiencing homelessness - and that doesn't count the families.

Grinch Award.

To Dane County . . . check out this wonderful work.

Mayor: Give City Employees Latitude on the Rallies and Organizing

Be flexible and understanding but follow the law and contracts.

4 New Alder Candidates (Updated)

2 primaries if they all file all their paperwork . . . here's the new filings . . . .

Unrepresented Employees would like to negotiate . . .

If ever there was a question about if public employees had enough protections under the law, without being in a union . . . here's an answer for you . . .

First Draft: Who Will Live at OM House?

One of the biggest issues raised at the community meeting is wanting to know who will be living in the house. There are 8 rooms for 20 people. But how will we decide who lives there. We essentially explained the membershipping process, but that wasn't satisfactory, so here is a first draft in writing of how we will decide. Now, we need the community's help to let us know if there is something missing. Let the feedback begin!

Entitlements? Or Human Rights? Or Criminalization?

Yesterday was Human Rights Day and the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty issued a report card on the Human Right to Housing - we didn't do well.
Safe, decent, affordable housing is a basic human right, recognized globally and defined with specificity in international law. But while the U.S. was a leader in establishing and championing international human rights law and institutions over 60 years ago, and continues to speak out as a leader on the global stage, unfortunately here at home our words do not match our reality.