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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Drug Test People Who Use Food Pantries?

I hosted A Public Affair on WORT on Monday and that was the question of one of my callers, who said he works in a food pantry. Seriously, it was.

Homeless, but still deserves respect

Daniel Callahan was recently ruthlessly kicked off the homeless issues committee and called a racist by County Executive Joe Parisi - but he is willing to fight back. Demands apology in the least, reinstatement or appointment of another homeless person in the least

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown

County Week Ahead

Another week . . . closer to having a better county board legislative software system!

Support Marijuana Referendum Tonight!

In our liberal, allegedly progressive community, this should be a no-brainer, right? Think again, questions about if they should ask the voters what they think have been raised. Gasp! Ask the voters what they think?

Board of Estimates Operating Budget Discussion Recap – Part II

So, here we go again, will do my best - "live blogged"

Council Recap I

Was at Occupy meeting last night, but here's what I got off Tivo this morning.

“Collective Community Ban”

Hey - I got an idea, can we collectively ban a few people I don't like from my community. For failing to use common sense . . .

NO Snow Emergency Tonight!

Now I'm thoroughly convinced the startegy is to keep us confused so we get more tickets. The snow emergency declared yesterday is cancelled.

Activities to be Banned at Lisa Link Park “Visitor” Center

Some of these things are completely reasonable, but beware, no drinking a glass of wine and asking for directions, or stopping between beers to use the ATM, no staring, no offensive odor from hygiene (excessive nasty perfume, ok), no kissing (or holding hands?), no political materials (on State Street!) or charity work without permission, no kids running in the area with their shoes off after running in the splash park, no more than two bags in your possession (don't do too much shopping!), no changing your clothes in the restrooms (you hear that bikers?), no moving chairs or putting your feet on them, no eating that ice cream cone in an unapproved area, no taking Visitor Center materials into the rest room etc etc etc.

Will CDA Raid the Affordable Housing Trust Fund?

CDBG is considering this issue again tonight, and I'm not the only one concerned about the CDA raiding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I'll try to catch you up on the issue.

Capitol Watch: Wisconsin the New Arizona?

The all republican capitol is sure to set the state back centuries . . . so I'm starting a new Capitol Watch feature to point out my outrage of the day. There will be many, I had to choose one for today. Should Wisconsin be the new Arizona when it comes to immigration policy?