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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Round Up

Round Up, Thursday Oct. 31

Starts with the snowplowing updates, and can only get better from there!

Who will be the City’s Next Director of Planning, Community and Economic Development?

A man, that's about all we know for sure.  It's been narrowed down to three candidates.

$35 Wheel Tax?

Alder Grant Foster has a proposal to lower the Wheel Tax to $35.  Think it will fly?  Will anyone else have such a proposal?  Council meets tonight, we'll see!
Round Up

Round Up – Monday, October 28

A little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Updates, alerts, community meetings, etc.

City Week Ahead

This covers meetings Sunday - Saturday, special council meeting on the wheel tax, more recommendations by Task force on City Government, no Edgewater or Salvation Army on Plan Commission meeting, East Towne and West Towne appealing their assessments, Dane County Jail and Judge Doyle Square at UDC, more committees weighing in on F-35s, Visions Alcohol License Revocation, golf course tours, Mayor's Neighborhood Round Table, elected officials weigh in on School Superintendent and more.
Round Up

Round Up, Friday 10/25

Lots of government related meetings coming up next week that won't be in the week ahead.

Jenifer St. Market at Risk of Closing?

Schoep's filing for receivership puts the Jennifer St. Market's future lease in jeopardy. And, because of the receivership, its hard to get answers!

Special Council Meeting on Wheel Tax!

The date has been set! And of course, they are starting at 4:30. Possibly to deter public comment? I don't know if it's intentional, but that is the impact.

PFAS Final Report to Water Utility Board

The full report with many graphs is here. Here's the highlights.  Put on your science hat before you read this!  And check your well (links included)!

City Finance Committee Budget Amendments 16 – 20

Part 3 of 4 . . . 3 hours left to go!

City Finance Committee Budget Amendments (11 – 15)

Part 2 of a 3 or 4? part series of an over 8 hour long meeting!  29 amendments were offered.  Many did not pass.  This is community services funding, removing transit workers, removing independent police monitor and removing staff 3.25% increase.  Spoiler alert:  none pass.

City Finance Committee Budget Amendments (1-10)

This meeting went a little over 8 hours, so I'm going to not be as thorough as usual!  Here's the amendments and what happened and discussion.