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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Who Wants to Fill the Vacant District 8 Alder Seat?

There are 5 people who want to step up and serve in the role of alder for District 8 until there is an elections next spring.  Let's take a look!  Common Council Executive Committee will meet tonight to interview and make a recommendation (if they have quorum!).

City Week Ahead

Budget amendments at Finance, recommending next District 8 alder, ALRC report on alcohol license density and more!

Where is the Affordable Housing in Judge Doyle Square?

Depends upon your definition of affordable, I guess. But this is usually not what most people think about - affordable rental housing for people making $42,180 and up. And apartments starting at $1,055.

When a committee makes a recommendation, does it make a sound?

As a newly elected chair of a City Committee, I received no training. Meetings were only set up on my initiative. And, if I hadn't been an alder for 8 years and look at legistar (city legislation tracking software) nearly every single day, I wouldn't have realized that our recent recommendations don't appear in legistar. And therefore, when Finance Committee votes on Monday, they don't know what our committee did.
Round Up

Round Up – Sat 10/19/19

Updates for the week ahead, a little weekend treat for you!

TFOGS Additional Recommendations for City Government

They had a 3+ hour long meeting Wednesday night.  I recorded it while I was in another meeting.  Lets take a look at what happened and they other recommendations the committee has made about boards, committees and commissions!

City Council Recap

The meeting was about an hour, not much on the agenda.  I would have skipped it, but the honoring resolutions and neightborhood indicators presentation seemed important.  Here's the details (a day late!), CCEC covered more topics this time!

Common Council Executive Committee Recap

What happened in that secret meeting, PFAS resolution placed on file/killed but new information, affordable housing presentation (which are also in separate posts) and many updates including campus district vacancy.
Round Up

Thursday Round Up 10/17/19

So much going on, here's city announcements, school board announcements, community events and more.

Great Homeless Services and Housing Overview

This is an excellent overview of the city and to some extent county homeless services system, some challenges and how they are approaching the housing needs at this moment, after Rethke and Tree Lane.  And why.

Homeless Services Consortium Recommendations for County Budget Tonight

Here's the recommendations of the City-County Homeless Issues Committee. In case you are going to the public hearing tonight, you might want to mention some of these needs. Please and thank you!

City’s Next Steps on PFAS

The Common Council Executive Committee decided not to do a city-county task force on PFAS, but have asked for a memo about what the City-County Public Health Department is doing and a new website, regular legal updates from the City Attorney about the from the DNR naming the City as a possible contributor and they will consider next steps after that.