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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Long Overdue Round Up (Part One)

I bet you were wondering if I gave up on the Round Up . . . I haven't, just got distracted. I'll be better, I promise.

Demo, Demo, Demo

More demolitions . . . I think I've neglected to post a few, so some might be repeats . . . or not! There's 13, and a couple may have been acted on already.

Operating Budget Amendments by Alders (Updated 2)

Here's what the Board of Estimates will be discussing on Monday.

It is Time to Tell Scott Walker Not to Cut Wisconsin Off From Progress!

It seems that Jim Doyle has washed his hands of the decision on high speed rail with the recent announcement that he will leave it to Scott Walker to make the call. But the future of Wisconsin is too important to let this happen without making a last stand!

Video from Day 5 and 6

And more coming!

League of Women Voters Challenges Voter ID

I'm sure they could use your help! I was excited about this for about 2 seconds until I remembered that Prosser is still on the Supreme Court . . . but I think it is important they do this. Find out more and who it will impact.

Next Salvo Against the Homeless

I was at the Economic Development Committee yesterday and got a heads up on the next issue to ward off the homeless. You just knew this one was coming . . . remove the State St. benches?

35 Minute Council Recap

The B team is in charge. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff is in the chair, Joe Clausius is making the motions.

Board of Estimates Operating Budget Discussion – Madison Metro

Bus fares, bus wraps and empty buses. What's on the council's mind?

Open Letter to County Officials on Token Creek Campground

They are unwilling to give us an extension past February 17th and we . . . say it with me . . . HAVE NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!!! Still, yet, again.

Who Owns the City Council?

Chamber of Commerce $12,425 in Spring Campaigns so far . . . no surprises who their candidates are - this council is essentially controlled by them.

Susan Pastor: Municipal Building – Offices? Or Hotel?

Madison’s Historic Municipal Building: City Offices or “Bold”, “Creative” Private Venture (and other problems with the Judge Doyle Square project)