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Topics related to the city of Madison.

What was that secret meeting about?

The mayor explains at the Common Council Executive Committee (CCEC)  meeting, after the fact.
Round Up

Tues. Round Up 10/15/19

Some changes here . . . but still plenty to round up!  Let me know what you think!
what will the council talk about

UPDATED: What will the council talk about tonight?

This is currently what is planned, there are no items requested by alders for separation, so it could be a short meeting.  However, it can also change at the meeting.  This is an amended agenda with an additional item and one correction.

Police and Fire Commission Statement on Appointment of Vic Wahl

The Police and Fire Commission met last night and made it official that Vic Wahl will be the acting police chief while they go through their process. Here's their statement and audio of Wahl's testimony.  He will not run for the permanent chief position because he doesn't want to move to Madison.

Reconsidering Recommendations for Full Time Council etc.

I recently blogged about the Task Force on the Structure of City Government recommendations to reduce the council 10 members, go to full time, have 4 year terms and several other items.  They meet again on Wednesday and will be reconsidering their decisions.  The time to speak up is now!

City Attorney’s Advice Has Chilling Impact on Public Information

Cap Times reporter Abby Becker did a great story on where elected officials stood on F-35s. But the City Attorney advised alders not to respond.  Why?  He also issued a formal opinion on "negative" and "walking" quorum.  

5 actions you can take this week on F-35s

Sit at your computer and write comments, attend public meetings or just go out and dance!  Something for everyone! Just do it!
Round Up

Weekend Round Up 10/14/19

Friday's was jam packed, this one is a little light.  Lots of items in the news columns tho!

Not Publicly Noticed?

Last night the alders were all invited to a meeting by the mayor's office - but the public wasn't! Well, the "business community" was invited, but the meeting wasn't publicly noticed for the general public.

City Week Ahead

Budget, PFAS, F-35s, Top of State St, Council meeting, Salvation Army development and oh so much more!
Round Up

Round Up! Fri 10/11/19

Running late today, read why! News, tons of city updates and here's what you need to know, longer than usual!

City Operating Budget Presentations, Night 1, Part 2

These are the presentations from Monona Terrace, Library, Administration Agencies (Assessor, Attorney, Civil Rights, Clerk, Employee Assistance Program, Human Resources, IT and Finance)