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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Things going on Around Town

A little round up of random items you might be interested in . . .

Managing Scarce Homeless and Housing Services

Here's a little frustration of mine with homeless and housing services. Here today, gone tomorrow (or next week). Too much need!

Frautschi/Rowland Ultimatum to Urban Design Commission

Do what we want, or we walk!

Capital Budget Department Request Highlights – Part I

So, here's many of the big items, minus streets, parks, water utility, sewer utility, etc which will be in part II. Items of particular interest in red. BK comments in purple. Note all the new TIF districts and the $62 million to fix up the area around the train station . . . and $70 million to move the bus barn . . .

Soglin Campaign Outraises Cieslewicz, Diverse Supporters

I'm surprised the fundraising is so lopsided.

AHAA Endorsement: District 13

Incumbent didn't answer the questions, very frustrating - I guess Sue Ellingson doesn't think we have housing issues in this city?

City Week Ahead

26 meetings so far this week . . .

Clean Wisconsin Action Fund: Vote Parisi

No surprises, but for the record.

More Edgewater Craziness

I'm trying to make heads or tails of the most recent emails flying around. I wasn't at the meeting in question, so don't know what happened, but this is a good indication of why there are so many problems. The parties don't have even the most basic level of communication skills, and Alder Maniaci seems to add to, not help resolve the communication insanity. Check it out.

Who attended the Neighborhood Summit?

One spin, from Tim Cooley, the Economic Development Director would be that it was only 10% of the neighborhoods in the city. Here's some facts for you to determine for yourself . . . pesky facts.

City of Madison Redistricting

Maps, polling places, process and just about everything you probably want to know . . .

This is cool . . .

From the Williamson Street Art Center . . .