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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Round Up

Round Up, Thurs. 10/10/19

News, events, city updates, meeting reminders and more!

City Operating Budget Presentations – Night One, Part 1

An overview, room tax commission and public testimony which is primarily about parking enforcement officers moving from police department to Parking Utility and praise for 3.25% wage increase for city workers to have equity with police and fire.

Public Input to the Task Force on Government Structure

The other day I blogged about radical changes recommended by the City Task Force on Government Structure for future city councils (4 year terms, full time, reduce the council to half the size, term limits). At the time, they didn't have information available about the input at the two open houses for the public to look at. Lets see if the public input made any difference?
Round Up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings – Wed 10/9/19

Should people drive on the beltline shoulder during peak traffic?, PFAS reports, Airport Commission rescheduled, news and more.

Formal City Opinion on How Many Votes Needed to Pass Something in Committee

Apparently two times recently a chair of a committee refrained from voting and they thought something passed, but it didn't. Had the chair voted in favor, it would have passed.

Finance Committee Meeting Recap

This is for the hour of items prior to the budget discussions.  Includes wheel tax and Judge Doyle Square.
Round Up

Weekend Round Up (10/7/19) & Mo’ Meetings

News, events, updates from the city and more!

Madison Wheel Tax Vote Tonight?

Well, that moved quickly!  Finance Committee has an agenda item tonight that allows them to establish the fee.

JDS Housing Discussion – Closed Session

Members of the common council are finally going to a have a substantive discussion about affordable housing and its going to be held is closed session!

City Week Ahead

Budget meetings Monday and Thursday, no meetings Tuesday and Wednesday due to Yom Kippur.

Are we ending homelessness in Dane County?

So hard to tell.  Based on the point-in-time count (one of several measurements) compared to 5 years ago family homelessness is down by 37%, singles and chronic homelessness are about the same, and veterans increased by 4 persons.
Round Up

Friday Round Up! (10/4/19)

This one is heavy on city information, very little schools or Dane County . . . you'd hardly know there was a county board meeting last night by looking at the news and they don't have/use the same communications tools the city does, so there is just little information.