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Topics related to the city of Madison.

An Open Letter to the Ethics Committee

We all know how popular my filing of complaints are. And trying to change laws has backfired as well. So, here's my...

Mayor’s Budget Hearings Start Next Week

He really wants you input, so he's giving you plenty of notice of the meetings that start Monday and holding them in a month where the most people can attend.

This Just In: More meetings this week.

So, three more meetings for the "weekly schedule" and a very, very interesting question.

Progressives Endorse Szarzynski

Oooo, first alder press release in the races . . . at least the first one we have received since the announcements.

Election Day Advice! (Updated)

Go vote! Tell your friends to vote! Tell your family to vote! Tell your co-workers to vote! Take someone to vote with you when you go vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! (and here's who I would vote for . . .)

I’m Furloughed/Laid Off this Week, Week Ahead (Final)

Ok, have some extra blogging time on my hands this week, I'm furloughed and can sleep in, but then watch for posts throughout the day.

Update on City Council Legislative Analystic Position

City Alders plow ahead despite concerns (motion failed) by Personnel Committee, you know, the experts

The City Week Ahead

Operating budget season begins . . .

City Week Ahead

A little unusual this week.

Who got the votes?

Who got the most votes on the council? Some people who lost got more votes than winners in other districts.

Housing Is A Human Right Summit Materials

In case you missed it or if you want an electronic copy, here's the materials that were in the folder.