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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Favorite. Sign. Ever.

Compliments of the City of Madison. They can't even blame it on the county . . . not this time . . .

Can’t Get An Answer from the County . . . Again

If you send an email and no one responds for 12 days and you have asked specific questions that need to be answered because the event happens in 18 days and may involve arrests, seizure of property and who knows what else, what do you do? WWBD? Something considered "annoying" and "counterproductive", I'm sure. :)

It’s Monday Again, City Week Ahead

Personally, this week is going to suck, so I could use another day of the weekend.

Wanna Tour a Frank Lloyd Wright House Tonight at 6:00?

It's free! And I bet you never even knew the house was there!!! And, the house will be impacted by the two new developments proposed for Webster St (hotel and apartments)

Let the Campaigning (for Mayor) Begin!

Oh dear . . . the fundraising has started!

WYOU Garage Sale . . .

and news . . .

Campus Bus Changes?

Input needed. UW-Madison Transportation Services will be making changes to campus bus service and is seeking input at two upcoming May meetings. The changes are necessarily...

Anyone Want to Coordinate the City’s Housing Policy?

We have a Housing Strategy Committee and a housing coordinator for the city, right? Wrong.

Capital Budget Amendments at Board of Estimates

Discussions were a little over 2 hours, including public testimony. 17 amendments. And the capital budget is done now until November. Hope you didn't blink, it's pretty much over. The most time was spend on the (lack of) a daytime resource center for the homeless - supported by advocates and the business community and proposed by Alder Palm. And of course, the amendment failed due to the city/county struggle over who pays.

Thuy Pham-Remmele to Sheriff Mahoney

What in the world is this about? And why were others cc'd on this?

So, Secret Deal to Create a Warming Shelter Finally Public

Yay! There will be a warming shelter for the homeless this winter again. Boo! The process sucks and the details matter.

Go Dane County Board Women! It’s About Time!

They hold half the leadership positions for the first time ever!