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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Dennis DeNure: Three Changes

Can you guess what he says? Actually, there might be something new here . . .

Overture vs. Community Services Contracts

I keep hearing the Overture contract will be like the non-profit contracts. Cool . . . lets do it! Give us the same deal!

Apex: Read the Comp Plan, Not the 1988 Document . . . .

For those of you interested in the Apex project on Merry Street, this may be of interest. It's at the UDC this evening.May...

The City’s Priorities . . .

I think Mark Clear and Judy Compton just launched class warfare (or at least threw more fuel on the fire in the neighborhoods vs business community flames) with their budget amendment that will be discussed at Board of Estimates on Monday at 4:30. I'm afraid the vote will be 4 - 2. Or 3 -3 and the Mayor would break the tie.

Bad Way to Start a Race for Alder

By completely forgetting an entire neighborhood . . .

Which Side Are You On?

UPDATE: Josh Eidelson writes to respond to my riff on his piece. These are all good thoughts. Josh did a good job portraying the...

Not In the News Round Up

Well, since I haven't taken the time to read the news, this is what I'm guessing is not in the news . . . either way, items of interest.

What Might Be the City Week Ahead

Guaranteed to be wrong, watch for added meetings throughout the week with very little notice.

Plan Commission Discussion on the Edgewater

This was kind of "live-blogged" until the end when my typing skills didn't keep up, so, I didn't post the final until I could correct the end this morning. The big news here is that when the agenda says something is going to be referred, it really means they are going to discuss it anyways. And Alder Bridget Maniaci appears to be a pathological liar.

County Week Ahead

Another week . . . closer to having a better county board legislative software system!

Council Recap

Honeybees, nuisance parties and fireworks.

Open Letter to County Officials on Token Creek Campground

They are unwilling to give us an extension past February 17th and we . . . say it with me . . . HAVE NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!!! Still, yet, again.