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Topics related to the city of Madison.

2020 Capital Budget Amendments to be Considered Monday

15 amendments, none for affordable housing? Or F-35 mitigation for our public housing units or the rest of the city?

Feeling Duped by the Mayor?

So . . . people are getting angry. Feeling like they have been betrayed by what was supposed to be a radical, feminist, lefty, LGBTQ mayor that truly cares about equity and does all the things. Instead, she's become a mouthpiece for the Chamber of Commerce/business interests. Hmmmm.
Round Up

Thursday 9/19/19 Round Up

City, County, Schools and other news, foreclosure assistance, HIV Education Event, Future of Transportation Day, Parks News and more.

F35s: What Actually Passed the Council?

So I'm skipping 3/4 of the meeting and jumping to the council discussion, motions and voting. What happened after we all went to bed? Check to see what your alder did, or didn't, have to say!
Round Up

Round Up! Wednesday, 9/18/19

A little something besides F-35s, and of course, F-35s!  Road closures, parent and student rights, transportation news, sandbags, Law Park planning and more.

Equitable Development in Madison Report

Another report on housing, more recommendations. This one has 20 recommendations.  Add this to the pile of recommendations, but still, no real action.
what will the council talk about

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight

F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s . . . F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s.

Original vs. Alternate F-35 Resolution

So what's the difference? The West Side Alders essentially inputted the Chamber of Commerce talking points and then didn't say they "oppose" but request the Air Force to take the many pages of adverse impact into account.  Mayor ducks and covers.  Here's what we know about who is voting how!

Congressman Mark Pocan Calls for Further Noise Testing of F-35s

"Today, I formally request the Air Force in coordination with the 115th Fighter Wing test the F-35 flight pattern at Truax Air National Guard Base. Specifically, the Air Force should conduct a take-off and landing of the F-16 and the F-35 planes so community members will have a more accurate understanding of the noise impact from the F-35 mission."  

Northside Planning Council Benefits and Harms Analysis of F-35s

Need they say more?  Well, they did, they named what is going on here.  Institutional Racism.
Round Up

Round Up: Tuesday, 9/17/19 & Mo’ Meetings

Here's the news and other things of interest since I posted yesterday! 4 meetings, news, Alliant Energy Center, South Madison Plan, Front-End Justice Conversations and more.

Updates on F-35 Fighter Jets In Madison

Brenda Konkel filling in on A Public Affair on WORT-FM 89.9 Community Radio.  Guests today are Supervisor Heidi Weglieitner and Alders Grant Foster and Rebecca Kemble.