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Topics related to the city of Madison.

WORT: Updates on F-35 Fighter Jets in Madison

Here's the podcast from the show I hosted today with Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner and Alders Rebecca Kemble and Grant Foster.  And, all the links and additional information that I rattled off!

Rep. Chris Taylor: F-35 military jets pushed by Corporate Interests

She compares efforts to bring F-35s to Madison to ALEC in how "big corporate special interests, through they wealth and power, often dominate policy making, to the great detriment of actual people." It's time to speak up!
Round Up

Round Up – Monday 9/16/19

There are so many things to put in a round up . . . so I'm going to start taking this in smaller bits and including even more info . . . let's see how this goes!

Gas-Powered Lawnmower Rebate?

The city is considering a rebate program for gas-powered lawn mowers, similar to the toilet rebate program. It's still in development, so if you have ideas, now is the time to speak up! The Committee on the Environment will be discussing Monday at 4:30.

City Capital Budget – Agency Presentations (Day 1, Part 1)

This is the first night (from last Monday night) where we hear about the Mayor's Capital Budget. Staff will be presenting and alders will be asking questions. Finance committee budget amendments will be due Wednesday at noon, public hearing on Tuesday at the Council meeting. If you have input you might want to talk to your alder ASAP.

City Week Ahead

Council will (or won't) oppose F-35s, possible gas-powered lawnmower rebate, Town of Madison inventory, re-booting the pest management committee and more.

Join those Saying No to F-35s in Madison

1,000 homes and countless businesses, plus schools and affordable housing will be impacted,  creating a huge dead zone on the Northside of Madison. Take action today!

City Maintains its Triple A Bond Rating!

Of course! The Finance Director, Dave Schmiedicke explains.

Quick Notes from Airport Meeting on Noise

Thanks to Mary Jo Walters who attended the Airport meeting and took these notes and photos! Airport paid homeowners $2,000 for easements years ago saying they are ok with the noise . . . end of story?

“Neighborhood” Concerns About Salvation Army?

This neighbor, from a block and a half away has this concern - they need more space to serve everyone in need, no one should be forced to have sex to have a place to stay or sleep in their car or on the streets. It's not safe. But . . . I don't think that is what these neighbors have in mind . . . meeting tonight!

No issues with schools and youth in Madison?

Imagine if there was a committee where school board members, county board supervisors, city alderpersons and the community came together to discuss how to improve the lives of young people in Madison and Dane County. How powerful could that be? And why did former Mayor Paul Soglin and former School Superintendent Jen Cheatam, along with now School Board President Gloria Reyes keep trying to reign in that committee? Now that they are free . . . what could they be?

City’s Analysis of F-35s Impact on Madison

Here's the city staff's analysis of how F-35s will impact Madison, including more maps. The deadline for providing comments is Friday, September 27th. The full 1000-page draft EIS is available at http://www.angf35eis.com/Documents.aspx; the 40-page Executive Summary can be found here http://www.angf35eis.com/Resources/Documents/Draft_F-35A_EIS_Executive_Summary_August_2019.pdf. Everyone should provide comments!!!