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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Seven Families Sue Kipp

Lawsuit filed over dangerous levels of contamination.

Listen to the Children.

Our children, Madison children, experiencing homelessness. After you listen, give.

School Bells Ring, Are You Listening? (by Mary Jo Walters)


Police and Parks Department Should Follow the Law!


101 Ways the City of Madison Would Be Different . . .

If I were Mayor . . .

City Week Ahead

Wonder if this is it for the holiday week - or it there will be additions?

Demolition Time

Another single family home . . . probably "too small" for our modern world.Please be advised that JENNY ACKER will be filing a demolition...

Round Up in Pictures

This could be one big "Stoopid City" post . . . but the pictures are kind of a then and now kind of round up.

Congratulations Connie Deer!

One of our stalwarts here in Dane County gets a Statewide Fair Housing Award. Well deserved! And more! Our new County Board Supervisor...

Winter Blues

happy veterans day

Mayor Behaving Badly, Part II

Ok, when we left off, he was about to go into a rant/lecture.

Round Up!

What's been happening lately in the news, and other things you should know.