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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Tenant Resource Center Welcomes Robin Sereno and an Apology!

Nearly a year after I was forced out of my 27 year career with the Tenant Resource Center (23 years as Executive Director), they have hired a new Executive Director! And, I got an apology.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings!

So, 6 more meeting notices came out at the city today . . . yes, SIX! And I believe, more to come this week.

PFC Agenda Mystery Solved

I get really annoyed with so many stupid barriers to access city government information. One is when there is a city committee agenda and a link to see the materials, and then there is nothing in the link. The Police and Fire Commission (PFC) meets today and it took me a bit, but I solved the mystery of two of the items on their agenda today, but it wasn't easy. Take a quick, albeit absurd, journey with me!

City Week Ahead

So many agendas with no attached supporting information that it's making my head spin. Capital budget presentations by department and division heads, Education Committee is meeting!, Room Tax budget decisions (but no information available) and more!

Capital Budget, Axed and Added!

Here's the info on what changed since last year and a comparison of the agency requests and what made it into Mayor Rhodes-Conway's budget. Let's see what the priorities are!

Mayor Capital Budget Press Conference

Ok, so, here's where the campaign promises get kept or broken . . . do you see what I see? (A picture says 1,000 words)
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Edgewood referred, items it looks like they will discuss include 3840 Maple Grove Drive and . . . nothing else? Seems unlikely. No discussion on Judge Doyle Square? Or anything else?

Agency Capital Budget Requests

So, Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway will be revealing her first Capital Budget tomorrow. Here's a quick look at what the agencies requested, their memos and priorities. Tomorrow we can compare and see what got in, what didn't and what our new Mayor added as her priorities.

City Week Ahead

Summer is over, capital budget comes out Tuesday, time to get serious again! 23 meetings packed into 3 days, including a council meeting where they choose the affordable housing for Judge Doyle Square plus committees will be discussing Mifflandia Neighborhood Plan, Urban Forestry report, Dog Parks, PFAS, library fines, Affordable Housing fund applications and plans for the Public Market.

City Week Ahead

Waaaay more meetings than I expected this week. I thought everyone would be in "end of summer" mode. Judge Doyle Negotiations, Urban Forestry Report, Mifflandia Neighborhood Plan, Neighborhood Center and Youth Programming funding, Edgewood, PFAS, Fair Housing Complaints in jeopardy from Trump administration, Task Force on Structure of City Government Open House, role of transportation committees, room tax committee, surveillance camera report and more!
weekly agenda at clerk's office

Dear Madison Alders and Mayor, Please Fix This!

I might be the only one who cares about this . . . until you can't find the information you need or you find out that you missed an important meeting!
Round Up

Round Up!

It's been a while! Here's a few things that landed in front of me in the past week you might be interested in!  Alder community meetings, city updates, community events, free trainings, surveys, focus groups and open houses to give your local government input, etc.