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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Lazy Council Update

I was going to type "Yawn, do they do anything any more" about half way into the less than an hour meeting, but I salvaged a few points.
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight (Updated, Twice)

Possible Absence: Mayor Soglin. (Update!  He will be in attendance) So says the notice. I'm laughing cuz I'm wondering if they cancel for the 3rd time in a row because of the ice storm?
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Only the following things, unless the public shows up and registers to speak or an alder pulls something off at the meeting.

3 Day Week Ahead

Well, here's what I have for now, not much time to add anything this week, but I'm sure they will . . . Tuesday,...

Train Station Comments Due TODAY.

Comments are due today. My guess is the decision has been made, but you should try anyways. Here's Alder Rummel's comments, fwiw.

Favorite. Sign. Ever.

Compliments of the City of Madison. They can't even blame it on the county . . . not this time . . .

Should the City Purchase Union Corners?

Are we sure that there isn't another willing buyer?

More Sunny….

I addressed the fact that Sunny Schubert kept her affiliation with WPRI to herself here, and she addressed it here. Looking between...

Items Council Members Want to talk about tonight . . .

So it will be these items, public hearing items and anything the public speaks to that will be discussed tonight.

One Year Stronger & Remembering

Here's my video from last year on this day and the video from the Wisconsin Day Rally on Saturday.

Ooops, 17 Amendments!

I missed the revised version . . . and there are two LETS GIVE THE DEVELOPERS WHAT THEY WANT TIF Amendments. This is absurd.

BREAKTHROUGH! Parisi Talks! And Listens!

Yesterday was yet another amazing day in the saga of the fight for homeless rights and the Occupy saga. (photo by Jen Thompson)