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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Items of interest this week: Disciplinary matter for Visions Alcohol License, Equitable Development report, historic preservation plan and ordinance, city use of pesticides and herbicides, capital square cafes, plastic straws and Mifflandia neighborhood plan.

City Week Ahead

Running late again this week, you'll have to review what I found to see what you're interested in . . .

Recycling Mea Culpa

Yesterday I wrongfully maligned the streets department! Since its student move out and I live downtown I was looking forward to getting rid of a mountain of cardboard in my basement, and I was dismayed when I wrongfully thought the city was just throwing my hard work into the garbage. I was wrong and here's a GREAT explanation if you are wondering about the state of recycling in the city! It's actually good news. (Right, so half of stopped reading, right?)
what will the council talk about

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Reddy, Rummel, Evers and Abbas are listed as absences for the meeting, they only have two items separated for discussion? A presentation from the Chamber of Commerce and the police committee recommendations for civilian oversight/independent monitoring plus Comprehensive Internal Review and Root-Cause Analysis of Critical Incidents.

Affordable Housing Action Alliance Ideas on Affordable Housing

Last week I blogged about the Impediments to Fair Housing Report and the recommendations in that report as well as the Equal Opportunities Commission Housing Report recommendations. Those were more focused on fair housing. Today, the Affordable Housing Action Alliance recommendations on what needs to be done

City Week Ahead

Running late! You'll need to check and see if anything is interesting this week!

Equal Opportunities Ideas about Ending Housing Discrimination

Yesterday I blogged about the city report on the Impediments to Fair Housing and the Housing Strategy Committee strategies. Today, lets take a look at the City Equal Opportunities Report from June that has its own policy recommendations. Will this get us closer to ending racism and all the other ism's in housing in Madison?
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

2 added meetings, 1 cancelled.

Time to Clean Out the Basement!

Yay! I love this time of year (considering where I live) and that I no longer work at the Tenant Resource Center! Student move out means I can get rid of all my extra recycling and garbage! Here's all the additional rules and services the city puts out this time of year.

City Week Ahead

Running late but here it is!!! (Look for Mo' Meetings later this week . . . again)
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

As expected, here are more city meetings. I think I caught them all, here are the details on 8 more city meetings and 2 more county meetings.

City Week Ahead

The Clerk's Schedule only had 7 meetings, there were 15 in Legistar and 16 meetings total.  I'm guessing the MG&E fire and sending people home for the day is impacting the schedule. PFAS, Urban Forestry Task Force Report, Dogs in Parks, 2020 Budget Schedule, Syd Boyum Sculptures, reconsideration of speed humps on Spaight St. and more.