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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Staff Foul!

Wow. Last night the County Parks Department staff outdid even former Mayor Dave in slimy process. This is usually done when people don't want to look bad on the issues or can't win on the merits.

City Week Ahead

My sleeping schedule has not changed yet to accommodate my blogging, so sorry this is late, will work on getting back to blogging properly.

Psssst . . . County Board (non?) Elections Coming Up!

Filing deadline for candidates is January 7th, question is, does anyone in Madison even know? Or care? Only 7 races in of 37 districts.

Staff Outline of Recommendations to “Improve” the Development Process

Staff did a rushed through presentation of this information, that the Economic Development Committee was first getting to see. They wouldn't hand out copies at the meeting. The committee got a copy this morning, and it will appear in legistar star later this morning. Here's a few comments from the meeting last night, and of course . . .

Unions, Enviros, Non-profits, Faith Communities and Allies United!

Message to our elected officials: Go ahead, charge us a fee for our cars and find other alternatives to prevent drastic cuts to the Dane County Budget. We will support you!

Important Neighborhood Meetings Coming Up

Tenants' Rights, Garver Feedmill, Two-Way Johnson St, Bassett/Johnson/Dayton Development, 700 E Washington, Mansion Hill Neighborhood. Willy St Coop Driveway on Jenifer

Yes, Homelessness Is Increasing!

It's not our imaginations. Twice a year service providers are required to do a "Point in Time" study to see how many homeless persons we can count. From 2010 to 2013 the numbers have increased from 567 to 831 for the January 31 count. And not everyone was counted.

Maxwell John Love: On the Budget and the UW

It's tied to the Walker stuff. An important read.

Weekend, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Not in the News Round Up

Um, I'm horribly far behind and all this stuff is just sitting in a draft folder, so I'm just getting this out there, done or not

How Much is the Redevelopment of East Washington Going to Cost Us?

So far, here's what has been approved or on the table.

1 Hour City Council Recap

At the end of the meeting, which only started 2 minutes late, someone called the Mayor 7:30 Soglin. Question is, will this short meeting trend continue? Or will the council find something to talk about?

The City’s Secret Committee

This has been bugging me for a while, my (kinda) open records request was also denied, but the real issue is that the business community has a member on the committee, but the neighborhoods don't. And I think they are in violation of the open meetings law. Thanks to Joe Tarr for his article and reminding me to look into this again. I'll share the little info I do have.