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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Council meets this week. Top of State St., PFAS Committee, Office of Resident Engagement, Independent Auditor for police, Salt Usage, Salvation Army Redevelopment/Shelter and more.

City Week Ahead

Impediments to Fair Housing Report, Edgewood Zoning Appeal, Government East Demolition and Capitol Height View Limit Exception, Sid Boyum sculptures placed on the bike path and more!

City Week Ahead

7 meetings. One is the council meeting where they will be discussing police in schools. CCEC has new rules for public input. Coincidence?

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.

City Week Ahead

Several cancelled meetings, City Attorney 5 year contract, Police in Schools Contract, Judge Doyle Square and Public Market at Urban Design, dogs in parks policy and much more.
what will the council talk about

What will the city council talk about tonight?

Lake Levels and Flooding Update, Performance Excellence, Kollege Klub Liquor License and . . .
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

2 additions from yesterday

Mental Health Police Officers only respond to 12% of Mental Health Calls

Chief Koval's blog today has the 2018 report on Mental Health (Police) Officers.  So I took a look.  (Before you yell at me for that photo, that photo was in their report.)

City Week Ahead

Council meeting again this week, flooding update, drinking while shopping, snow emergency zone discussion and more.
Round Up

Round Up!

Random things you might be interested in, mostly related to local government and the City of Madison.  Many additional government meetings.
ethics definition

School Board President Gloria Reyes Ethics Violation?

Tis the week to blog about ethics violations by current/former law enforcement! This one seems blatantly obvious!!!! And from the School Board President no less.
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Here's the actual agenda for tonight's meeting, pending changes if people from the public show up to speak or an alder pulls something more than this for discussion.