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Topics related to the city of Madison.

You’ve heard it said . . .

Homeless people are dirty and smelly. Maybe even said it yourself.

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

County Board Budget Amendments – Personnel and Finance Recap

Part one today, the rest on Wednesday. These were all capital budget amendments.

New Council City Week Ahead

New Council members take their seats Tuesday - noonish. Depending upon how long people talk . . . and they usually do for an hour or two.

Neighborhood Summit on the “Broken” Process

Here's the official invite.

Most Effective Sit In Ever!

It would have happened today at noon and 6:00

T Wall Properties FAIL!

Maybe the "business community" doesn't always know what is best. And maybe this should give us pause to review "deals" more carefully before jumping on board. And maybe look a little harder into unrealistic promises.

With Friends like These . . .

The Homeless Issues Committee has had two meetings and voted on three different resolutions so far . . . and as expected, the Homeless Issues Committee is supportive of solutions for various homeless issues . . . for the most part. The interesting thing is the people on the committee that voted against the solutions.

Zach Madden: Permissible Pollution

Construction is a license to pollute. Here's Zach's summary of the 6/17/13 Committee on the Environment meeting. Thanks Zach!

McDonell Official Announcement Running for County Clerk

Not really news, but its official with some big endorsements.

Demolitions coming up . . .

Funny how many there are that are not controversial . . . .here's four more, see any controversy here? Fish Hatchery, Willy St, Mineral Point and a lake house.

Week 9 Homeless Day Center Update

Things going so much better than last year. Why? Staff attitude! Which created better attitudes all around. Oh, and check out the blog!