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Topics related to the city of Madison.

School Board Recap

This is disturbing on so many levels . . . primarily from an open government perspective, but also to see the first all female school board act just like any other school board without regard for community is just sad. I can't believe they announced announced the agreement on Friday and called a special meeting to approve it on Monday with little time for the community to react.  OR READ THE LANGUAGE (spoiler alert, they skipped an important detail in the description of the contract)  I'm not surprised, especially with Gloria's disdain for the public, I'm just disappointed.  And not one school board member had a word to say?

Did Chief Koval violate the City Ethics Laws?

David Ahrens recently sponsored an ordinance amendment saying that city staff could not use city resources engage in, organize or conduct a grass-roots campaign to lobby elected officials . . . that would include city blogs, right?

City Week Ahead

Full week of agendas! Finance Committee & Council decide on Judge Doyle Square, alcohol license renewal time and much more!

City Week Ahead

Election this week for county board seats, approval of construction noise that impacts downtown residents, police policy committee discussing public oversight committee, fair housing report and more!

Local Government News Round Up

I'm catching up from taking a break from email for a long weekend, so I've missed a bit and I'm behind, so I thought I'd share because I'm guessing others are in my boat!  This is last week and the holiday weekend local government news updates.

Group Calls on Mayor to not renew City Attorney Contract

Sorry, I'm not spoiling this one, I'm going to make you read to find out who and why. Finance Committee has his contract before them tonight at 4:30.

City Week Ahead

I haven't seen this in a while, but 11 of 13 meetings start before 5pm. 7 of the meetings at 8:00, 8:30, 10:00, noon or 3:00, 4 start at 4:30. Not very worker friendly.

The City Should Issue an Apology

Everyone who has been paying attention knows that Dr. Gregory Gelembuik has greatly influenced the Ad Hoc Police Policy and Procedure Committee.  The council spent much of the last two meetings discussing his appointment to this committee so the committee can have quorum and finish their work.  He's been to all the meetings, he'll help with quorum and he's highly effective, principled and helpful. And therein lies the problem - at least for some!
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Same thing as last week . . . here's the consent agenda with only one item pulled too talk about.
Round Up

Round Up

A menagerie of local government and city of Madison things going on around town . . . this one was collected over the past week . . .

Local Government News Round Up

Last weeks local government news - check to make sure you didn't miss something of interest!

City Week Ahead

A very short council agenda (they just met last week), Neighborhood Center's report, missing ALRC and Housing Committee agendas, Taco Bell Settlement, bus route changes and more.