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Topics related to the city of Madison.

County Week Ahead

Enjoy . . . guessing what they might be talking about and if there is anything you want to comment on, since we don't have the materials the committee members have, its hard to tell.

How much are our Kids/the Poor worth?

Let's face it, the military preys on the poor, who have few options. Madison Metro is helping that happen - at what price? Or profit?

Various Labor Panel Discussions

I don't have the video done from the event at the Orpheum yet, but here some more labor panel discussions.

Neighborhood issues with Edgewater Public Access Management

This is a partial list of issues . . . but others are in this post.

City Capital Budget: Amendments 3 – 10

These aren't as long at the first one, or as long as 11 . . . the dreaded Edgewater!

How Much Affordable Housing Do We Need?

And how much would it cost? I've been working on some numbers and I am dying for someone to tell me I am wrong! Please.

Tenant Resource Center “Iron Chef” Cook-off Tonight!

5 - 7 Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave) . . .

Council Evicts Homeless Occupy Residents

When April 30th comes, almost 100 homeless people will have no where to go. Last night the council tripped all over themselves trying to convince themselves that they really cared about homelessness and affordable housing, but came up with excuse after excuse, helped by city staff, about why they had to vote to evict homeless people from their limited shelter and a place they spend with their new family that they call home.

Ken Golden’s Thoughts on EDC Report

I find Ken's comments interesting for several reasons:

The Legislature has really Destroyed me this week

I keep trying to pay attention and find out if the tenant laws are changing and I guess I'm going to be on pins and needles again all day . . . and all night . . . again . . .

A Pretty Full City Week Ahead

Surprising, since this time of year so many meetings start getting cancelled.