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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Snow Emergency Not Extended

I'm so confused about when to expect there will be a snow emergency. I thought the rule was that if there was more than 3 inches of snow and it had stopped snowing, there would be a snow emergency that night and the following night and that the snow emergency would be called by 6pm. But apparently, this year, we're just making it up as we go along . . . which is going to lead to confusion and more tickets for my neighbors.

Downtown Plan: Input Needed

Not just by those who live and make money downtown, but by everyone who uses it! Input sought by the end of the...

Alternate Side Parking Ends

This press release looks like one of my worst blog posts . . .

Parisi: Reform CARPC

CARPC you ask? Its the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission.

S. Livingston Railroad Crossing to be Closed

Proposed order was released yesterday . . . here are the conclusions:

Strangest Meeting Location Yet . . .

You know how I pick on the city from time to time about silly meeting faux pas . . . well, the county outdid them times 100! Check this out . . .

(No link) City Week Ahead

So annoying when the clerks office doesn't have the links to the agendas. If I have time I will hunt down the links, but I"m guessing no time before going to work.

Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .

on Overture . . . ouch.

Weekend Round Up

Here's the news I have . . . city, county, schools, state and things that didn't quite make the news.

First Community Conversation about the Budget

Was more about how to improve the conversation, and not much of a conversation.

New Overture Center Director

Here's the hype.

Ride the Drive – Northport!

Change of venue . . . could it be as cool as downtown? :)