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Topics related to the city of Madison.

What the Council Will (Not) Talk About Tonight

This consent/non-consent agenda thing is always awkward to talk about. They will likely talk about nothing except these items and any item someone shows up to speak for or against. Even then, they usually vote and move on.

There Just Isn’t Enough Outrage for What Republicans are Doing to Our State

On Friday, when most people weren't paying attention . . . students were the latest victims. Why?

It might be too soon but . . .

If you were confused about Madison Prep and feeling a little liberal white guilt about not supporting it, well, there is good reason for the confusion (you'll have to decide on the liberal white guilt). But take heart, if you were against, you have the NAACP on your side.

Overture Discussion at Council Last Night

This was my favorite part of the meeting, so I"m recapping it first. After all, its my birthday and I can do whatever I want, right? And I can't resist a few bk comments.

How’s It Going at Token Creek?

I get asked this question about 5 times a day, and I don't really know what to say. It sucks. I personally hate it. But some find a reason to like it. I don't.

City Week Ahead

Until it changes. With many items without links . . . moving backwards in time . . . less and less transparency . . .

Parisi Continues Putting His Staff Together

Dane County Executive-Elect Parisi Names New Communications Director/Executive Assistant Joshua Wescott is his Chief of Staff, his campaign manager is now his media person. Casey Slaughter...

Confused by Letters You Get about Badger Care?

Kicked off? Not kicked off? Practical advice from Legal Action of Wisconsin to be shared with anyone and everyone!


Why ya gotta be like that?

More Demolitions . . .

They seem to come in groups . . .

Monday Show Down?

Again. The Homeless Issues Committee was asked by the City-County Liaison Committee to look at solutions for the issues of homeless people being in the City-County Building. That meeting and conversation didn't take place because the staff blew it and didn't get the agenda out, even after they were reminded to do so . . . so that work wasn't done before the next meeting on the issue . . . which is Monday . . . sigh . . .

Falk Announcing for Governor. Really? (Updated)

I've been listening to Rob rant for the last 20 minutes about what a bad choice this is . . . and of course, I'm not a Dem insider so I don't know what is going on but . . . this is bad for poor people