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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Official Word on Proposed Parking Changes

Complete with maps this time! See if it affects you. Read how it will benefit the lakes and the city.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings

A smattering of random things going on around town.
what will the council talk about

What will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Nothing except . . .

Candidates Solutions for Affordable Housing

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance was formed in 1998 and has been working on Affordable Housing issues ever since. It's a small group of dedicated people trying to move the needle. They recently asked the the Mayor and alder candidates 6 questions and school board candidates 2 questions - here are the answers! (Note: Many chose not to answer, including Soglin.) Just how important is affordable housing to the candidates - beyond the campaign . . .

3 County Board Seats Open – Circulate Papers Friday

If the resolution passes the County Board on Thursday, candidates for three open seats will have less than a month to circulate nomination papers. Circulation starts Friday and papers are due April 9th - only 18 days!

City Week Ahead

Council meeting this week, several committee nearing end of their work and creating reports (Urban Forestry, Surveillance), Street Tree Speces list, a new Police and Fire Commission Attorney to be hired soon and so much more.
Round Up

Round Up

A few more things you might be interested in . . .

Women in City Hall – Who Makes City Decisions

12 years ago I did a blog post about women on city committees. What progress have we made in the last 12 years? Less than I would have expected.

Early Voting Dates and Locations

So, early voting has started . . . and continues through March 31st. When and where varies . . . here's the list at the moment.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up

A random list of things that end up in my email inbox that I think you might be interested in.

City of Madison Buses to Sun Prairie?!

Zoinks! Did I miss something?  Is it real? Is it actually happening? The Transportation Committee is discussing this tonight!

City Wide Parking Changes Coming!

If you don't like moving your car for alternate side parking in the winter in Madison, or if you are confused by all the snow emergency parking restrictions, you might want to read this. Changes are coming!