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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Current Plan to Fininsh TIF Policy

Thanks to Chris Schmidt for shedding some light on the process and trying to make it more transparent.

Why Can’t We Plan for Winter, Holidays and Homeless Services?

This is just embarrassing. Apparently, its just too complex and we've never done it this way before - so we weren't prepared. Really? You gotta be kidding me.
Progressive Dane Members

6 of 6! All Progressive Dane Candidate with Primaries Move On!

So, many of my blog readers know that I am the co-chair of Progressive Dane and the chair of their elections committee. Normally, when there isn't a county board meeting about the jail, I'd be posting election results as they come in. Today, I'm way far behind, but for the record, it went well!

Lost Belongings: Anyone see anything?

I have a bit of a mystery that I'd like some help with.A person came in to the Tenant Resource Center and was concerned...

Chicken Coop Time!

Tour des (Chicken) Coops

Council Recap Sans Walgreens and Overture

Sorry this is slow, more technical difficulties with the web hosting for our blog, making me very, very unhappy.

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...

Hulsey Really Blows It – Not Trustworthy.

Spencer Black rethinking his endorsement. Kristin has a big chunk of the story. Here's the latest statement: Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 9:24...

Snowy City Week Ahead (Updated)

So, how's that blizzard working out for you?

AFSCME Endorses Dave, Gets a New Contract

I thought there was something fishy, how could AFSCME endorse a guy that recommended automating the parking attendants and privatizing the Overture. Maybe...

What Will the New Council Discuss tonight?

Well, we'll see, but this is what got pulled off the consent agenda. Theoretically, the rest will be passed as indicated on the agenda unless members of the public show up or they pull it off the agenda tonight.

City’s New Finance Director

The best of the two, and the only one left standing since the other top candidate pulled out