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Round Up

Round Up – Monday 9/16/19

There are so many things to put in a round up . . . so I'm going to start taking this in smaller bits and including even more info . . . let's see how this goes!
Round Up

Round Up: Tuesday, 9/17/19 & Mo’ Meetings

Here's the news and other things of interest since I posted yesterday! 4 meetings, news, Alliant Energy Center, South Madison Plan, Front-End Justice Conversations and more.

Lake Monona near 100-year flood elevation

Friday should be ok, but more rain and concern on Saturday.

Affordable Housing Action Alliance Ideas on Affordable Housing

Last week I blogged about the Impediments to Fair Housing Report and the recommendations in that report as well as the Equal Opportunities Commission Housing Report recommendations. Those were more focused on fair housing. Today, the Affordable Housing Action Alliance recommendations on what needs to be done

Did Chief Koval violate the City Ethics Laws?

David Ahrens recently sponsored an ordinance amendment saying that city staff could not use city resources engage in, organize or conduct a grass-roots campaign to lobby elected officials . . . that would include city blogs, right?

Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

I've combined the two for now . . . they will likely become their own features in the future . . . for those of you who might not remember "Round Up" is a smattering of community announcements that I think will be of interest to Forwardlookout.com readers
what will the council talk about

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight?

Reddy, Rummel, Evers and Abbas are listed as absences for the meeting, they only have two items separated for discussion? A presentation from the Chamber of Commerce and the police committee recommendations for civilian oversight/independent monitoring plus Comprehensive Internal Review and Root-Cause Analysis of Critical Incidents.

Join those Saying No to F-35s in Madison

1,000 homes and countless businesses, plus schools and affordable housing will be impacted,  creating a huge dead zone on the Northside of Madison. Take action today!
Round Up

Round Up!

Common Council Executive Committee Appointments, new Deputy Mayor, Weaponizing Truax, Crazy Legs Traffic Impacts and more.

Decarcerate Dane! Panel Discussion Tonight

6:30 Central Library - M Adams (Freedom Inc, Black Lives Matter), Janie Ocejo (Madison Urban Ministry), Pam Oliver (scholar on racial disparities in criminal justice) and County Board Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner!
Round Up

Round Up! Wednesday, 9/18/19

A little something besides F-35s, and of course, F-35s!  Road closures, parent and student rights, transportation news, sandbags, Law Park planning and more.
Round Up

Round Up!

It's been a while! Here's a few things that landed in front of me in the past week you might be interested in!  Alder community meetings, city updates, community events, free trainings, surveys, focus groups and open houses to give your local government input, etc.