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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Who’s Getting Endorsements this Spring?

Many organizations hedged their bets and didn't endorse in the primaries, but some did. Here's the score!
Progressive Dane Members

Meet Progressive Dane Candidates Tonight

6:30, Downtown Public Library.
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Only the following things, unless the public shows up and registers to speak or an alder pulls something off at the meeting.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo Meetings

A quick round up . . . may need to do another tomorrow once I sort through more emails!

City Week Ahead

31 meetings this week! 18 start before 5:00. Highlights include a council meeting talking about Judge Doyle Square (without affordable housing?), Tree Lane Services and Security, Task for on Equity in Music and Entertainment Report and Hmong Services plus Size and budget of mayor's office, TIF for Jobs, Water Utility discusses PFAs, Historic Preservation Plan Open House, Ethics Complaint against the mayor, full size food trucks, library fees going up(?) and more . . .

Why So Many City Committee Vacancies?

I don't think its for lack of people applying. It's because the mayor doesn't appoint people who have applied. One of the things the Task Force on City Government is looking at is reducing the number of committees. Unfortunately, they thing that is a solution partially because of all the city committee vacancies.

NO Snow Emergency Tonight!

Now I'm thoroughly convinced the startegy is to keep us confused so we get more tickets. The snow emergency declared yesterday is cancelled.

Video Tsunami – Part 2

Here's another video dump for those who have seen me at meeting with my camera and wonder where they go. They are also all on my youtube channel for now - until I get my livestreaming fixed again.
Snow Emergency

Here we go again . . .

Snow emergency . . . a.k.a. parking emergency, for another two nights.
Progressive Dane Members

6 of 6! All Progressive Dane Candidate with Primaries Move On!

So, many of my blog readers know that I am the co-chair of Progressive Dane and the chair of their elections committee. Normally, when there isn't a county board meeting about the jail, I'd be posting election results as they come in. Today, I'm way far behind, but for the record, it went well!
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

3 meetings added, 1 cancelled. ADDED Meeting: Madison Food Policy Council - Pollinator Protection Work Group Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 1:30pm Location: Central Library 201 W Mifflin St Room...
Round Up

Round Up

A few things of interest going on around Madison beyond the City, County and School Board meetings this week.