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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

February! Already.

City Week Ahead

Wow, November is on the way! Lots of missing links this week.

Obligatory Post

Yesterday sucked.

The Absurdity of Running a Non-Profit . . .

Two things that happened in the last 24 hours have made me stop and think about how absurd my job of the last 16 plus years as Executive Director of the Tenant Resource Center has become . . . and makes me wonder how much worse it will get

James Madison Park Houses

Final action on what will happen?

Board of Estimates Budget Discussion Recap (Amendments 1 – 19)

The meeting was a little over 5 hours long, I wasn't even in town for the first 2 and a half hours, but I tivo'd it, so here's what I got.

Rick Marolt: Cruelty is bad . . . Unless money is attached to...

Continuing the series about symptoms and causes of “The Problem” …

I had this plan . . .

It's really hard to edit at work when there are all kinds of interruptions and lost trains of thought, so I thought I'd edit at home and blog at work . . .

4:30 Rally at City-County Bulding . . .

Please read Tami Miller's words that were posted on Feeding the State St. Family Facebook group and then tell me, won't you be there today at 4:30 if you can!

Lawyers Doing Good Things!

Lawyers not named Kratz. Wish I had known about this earlier . . .

Congrats to the 30 Newly Elected/Uncontested County Board Supervisors!

Today at 5:00 was the filing deadline and only 7 of 37 seats will have elections this spring. Sad day for democracy . . . but congratulations to our newly elected officials!

Support Marijuana Referendum Tonight!

In our liberal, allegedly progressive community, this should be a no-brainer, right? Think again, questions about if they should ask the voters what they think have been raised. Gasp! Ask the voters what they think?