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Screw This, We’re Going Home! Council Recap

Around 10:00 last night, with Michael Schumacher, Julia Kerr, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Mayor Dave Cieslewicz already absent, Tim Bruer, Steve King, Paul Skidmore and Joe Clausius decided they were just going to get up and walk out of the council meeting, breaking quorum.

Tonight, the Social Justice Center Unveils . . .

The Nan Cheney Community Room! Stop by and see the improvements! Today would be Nan Cheney's 80th birthday, and we're going to celebrate by...

Board of Estimates Recap

Sorta live blogged (I'm not a fan!) so I can go to Plan next . . .

Alder Verveer Amendment on Overture for tonight

Michael May sent this out with a note that says: "Alder Verveer asked that I distribute this amendment that he will offer from the floor tonight. This language was agreed to by Alder Verveer, the Mayor’s office, the HR Director and me." Since when does an alder negotiate with staff for what they can and cannot propose to a resolution?

Blogger Break

Um . . . I got nothin'. Or, almost nuthin'.

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

A Moment of Silence Please.

A former Common Council member Kent Palmer, representing the 15th district on the east side where Alder Larry Palm now represents passed away on Monday.

Downtown Snow Emergency Tonight?

They're saying yes if there is more than 3 inches of snow . . . as if its a rule. But when there was 5 inches of snow last time they didn't do it. So confusing.

Very Tall E Washington Project Gets Blessing

The 700 block of East Washington Gebhardt project gets initial approval from Urban Design and a recommendation for spot zoning/change of ordinance for a taller building . . . did anyone notice? Why isn't it controversial?

Thank you Channel 3 for Advancing Civility!

So, Neil Heinen's editorials are not always hard hitting. Getting a board to have a definite agreed upon opinion on a subject without disagreement is probably not always easy, but they got it right on this one! And in the process, helped me make a point about nasty internet comments on other websites, like madison.com or thedailypage.com forum and how they should have a more responsible commenting policy.

Social Justice Center Turns 12 years old!

12 years . . . seems like only yesterday. Gives awards to Chuck & Connie Smalley and the TAA!

Things Going on Around Town

Still trying to clear out my email . . . here's a bit, I have a bunch more!