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Topics related to the city of Madison.

50 – 60 New Units of Affordable Housing for the Homeless!

We have over 500 chronically homeless, mostly individuals in the City of Madison, so this is a significant start! Here's my summary of the meeting last night.

Decieved – The Big Lie.

As a former member of an elected body, I hate it when you pass something with full expectations that one thing will happen, and then a completely different thing happens. As a member of the public, I hate it when an elected body passes something without really intending to follow through. As a human being, I hate being deceived.

Council Recap – Roving Bands of Gerbils and Hamsters.

30 minutes.

City and County Week Ahead

Um, there is none. City lists one meeting that is cancelled and the county has nothing listed. Everyone enjoy the week off!

James Madison Park Houses

I haven't had time to watch the plan commission yet, but I understand it was all full of wonderful comments from my dear alder . . . meanwhile, here's a bit of info.

Right to Petition City Government (Electronically) Denied

For the past year - minus two days?

4.1% Increase for City Managers?

I feel conflicted, we have a great staff in the City of Madison, but . . . seems a little goofy given what is supposed to tight budget times.

Are these YOUR Public Safety Issues

Long story short, I went to the Public Safety Review Board meeting. I went there for one reason, stayed for another. At the end of the agenda was an item about upcoming issues and this is their list.

About those City Budget Conversations . . .

They seem really poorly attended this year, which just means if you have a special issue, you'll get all the more attention!

Here We Go Again . . .

I think we already did this . . . maybe even twice, or more, depending upon what you count . . . what should we do with the Houses in James Madison Park? Read it and weep.

Council Recap I

Was at Occupy meeting last night, but here's what I got off Tivo this morning.

2 More Potential Alder Candidates

Almost half the alders still show no signs of an opponent, still no word from Solomon or Skidmore. Claussius draws and opponent and there is a potential contest for Compton's seat.