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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Downtown Cars Will Get Towed Tonight!

Here's a list of the streets where they say they will tow. Don't risk the tickets! Ramps are free tonight 9pm - 7am - if you can move your car!

Salt For Everyone!

You get some salt, and you get some salt, and you get some salt . . . that's right, the city is going to Salt on every single street! "Extraordinary", they say . . . "election season" a.k.a. "silly season, I say. Lakes be damned!

City Week Ahead

Will the Education Committee disband? What will go in at Judge Doyle Square? Will James Madison Park Master Plan get approved? A new campus Hotel and expansion of Ho Chunk and more . . .

City At Odds With Itself on Affordable Housing

On the one hand, the city is using the chronic nuisance ordinance and giving Heartland $165,000 to increase security, but on the other hand . . . the one you should be watching and will make the real difference, they are doing this! Where's the press release and news articles about this good work?

Q&A on PFAs

Several Alders are posting this information . . . Madison Water Utility has received many questions related to PFAS detected in water at two wells. If you have any questions you'd like answered, please let them know at water@madisonwater.org, or call the Water Quality Dept. at (608) 266-4654. If you have questions releated to PFAS and Public Health, you can call Public Health Madison Dane County's Environmental Health Dept. at (608) 262-6515.

“The City” Is A Horrible Affordable Housing Partner!

Send a former police detective (Gloria Reyes) to do a Social Services Job - and you get what a police officer would do. Not what is needed. The City should not be pursuing an action against its community partner when there has been so much progress.

Cancelled Meetings

City meetings that are cancelled. County Board meeting Cancelled tonight as well . . .

Video Tsunami (Part 1)

So, I've had a Facebook Live tragedy of some sort that I temporarily stopped trying to fix, so I've gone old school and am just video taping and uploading to YouTube.  But then, I had another problem in that I ran out of hard drive space . . . so I got behind (Bought 8 more Terabytes so I should be good for a while!).  And since I didn't timely upload the videos, many people are asking where they went.  To simplify things, here's the first wave .  . . more to come . . .

Common Council Recap

It was only 2.5 hours long . . . I'm kinda impressed. Seems like 3rd time was a charm! After the first hour of logistics and honoring resolutions, they spent time talking about planning issues, public market, Tree Lane, 4th Quarter Police Report, Public Market and Oscar Mayer.
Round Up

Round Up (and one more city meeting!)

A few things going on around town you should know about . . . extra city meeting, mayoral forum, cops in schools, Venezuela, lake levels, free tax help, overture call for artists and help needs to pass state expungement laws!

City’s Efforts Around Flooding Issues

This is the update the alders got yesterday.  It includes a 30 minute video and "story map" presentation that seem somewhat useful. They talk about how they are going to spend the $775,000 in the budget on consultants, what solutions they might have and have tips for property owners at the end.

Dogs in the City-County Building? Yes. Homeless People? No.

The very same committee responsible for removing the seats in the City-County Building and kicking homeless people off the front "porch", now are allowing dogs into the City-County Building?  Same champion of both causes, Enis Ragland, from Mayor Paul Soglin's Office. Tho, I hear this isn't over, and the Common Council will be taking up some portion of this through a resolution or ordinance proposal. And I see that it requires an ordinance change so people in violation of the proposal can get ticket.