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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Overture! 12:30am, and now, Questions of Staff . . .

Live blogging, part 4, 7 hours and still going . . .


Until at least the week of July 19th. What to do? Well, not quite mulchless according to this email you can get yours today!....

Neighborhood Center Meeting Added

Your neighborhood need a neighborhood center?

Council Agenda for This Evening

Still catching up from yesterday morning . . .

Deja Vu

Haven't we been here and done that? Erik Minton and Dr. John Bonsett-Veal have a project fro 425 W. Wash . . .

Board of Estimates Budget Recap, Amendments 32 – 38

Some day I will perfect the skill of being in two places at once and it won't take me three days to blog one meeting! Here's the final amendments.

Support the Elephant Ban?

Here's some things you can do

Navel Gazing Part II: Mayoral Alder Appointments

This was one of the great points of tension, they spent about 25 minutes on it, then kicked it to the Common Council Organizational...

The Alleged City Week Ahead

Watch out, they're sure to add important meetings throughout the week.


XTBKSOTYSLDHYSIT? Sometimes the alphabet soup drives me nuts, but if you live in S Madison or drive, walk or bike on John Nolen Drive or Broom or Blair or Wilson or the Bike Trail, you'll want to know what this is . . .

Is Your Beach Safe to Swim In?

Well, don't swim in the beach, swim in the water, or wait, don't do that either, check the list first! Here's how they...

Clerk for a day . . .

Will our engineers, garbage collectors, parks staff, city planners and police and fire staff all be serving as clerks for election day?