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Topics related to the city of Madison.

So, did you vote?

Was there a pathetic turn out yesterday? Do the results mean anything?

Annoying Meeting on 700 & 800 Blocks of E. Washington

This blog post is going to be annoying, especially the end, so not only was the meeting annoying, but prepare to be annoyed with me! And the local media! :)

REALTORS Claim “Big Victory” In Stripping Tenants of their Rights

Yesterday, Governor Walker Signed SB107 into law, it will likely be published by the Secretary of State and go into effect on December 18th - details below. You can watch here to see the REALTORS claim victory and ask for contributions to continue their work.

Sing! For Martin Luther King!

Sorry, that was a little cheesy.

Early April Fools Joke?

Life is ironic.

Deja Vu

Haven't we been here and done that? Erik Minton and Dr. John Bonsett-Veal have a project fro 425 W. Wash . . .

6 changes to the City Week Ahead This Morning

I think they should change the name of the "Weekly Schedule" to the "Kinda, Maybe, Not Really Weekly Schedule".

Renting from Apex: Where do you pay the rent?

Apparently, Apex Property Management and Anchor Bank are in a dispute, and their tenants are caught in the middle. To make...

DMI’s Draft Recommendations for Fixing the “Broken” Development Process

This has passed their Economic Development and Executive Committees and the Board is voting on it tomorrow. If you know anyone on the DMI Board you may want to try talking to them.

Why Arguing with Blaska Is an Exercise in Futility, Part I

First, there is so much he is wrong about, its hard to know where to begin. Second . . . check this out . . .

The City Week Ahead

As far as I can tell, this is what is of interest . . . tho I get more and more uncertain as they add meetings throughout the week and don't put stuff in legistar.

Upcoming Council Issues

One way to spot what is coming up, is to look at the items introduced at the end of the council agenda. There's...