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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Fancy New City Software

Have you seen it yet? New ways to find out city legislative information . . .

What You Need to Know if you are going to Miffland

Here's info that I've been told as one of the volunteers that you might like to know if you're going to Miffland tomorrow.

Final Immigration Task Force Meeting: Sheriff told “No.” Again.

Two nights in a row the sheriff was told that people want him to change his policy. This time, he was on the committee, and tensions were running high. In case you missed it, Alder Bidar-Sielaff said he was "racist" and "sexist" at the council meeting and now he accuses her of acting inappropriately. Like I said, tense.

Absurd Affordable Housing Market!

I am NOT picking on Porchlight! Seriously. But check this out - this is the "affordable housing" market we are working with . . .

That’s My Madison

Isthmus ran a controversial cover piece this week, called Not My Madison. The author, Terry McCoy, a returning member of the Peace Corps, thinks...

Social Justice Center Turns 12 years old!

12 years . . . seems like only yesterday. Gives awards to Chuck & Connie Smalley and the TAA!

Food Deserts and Swamps

So, I went to a presentation about food desserts yesterday, it was a presentation for the common council, and here is what I learned.

Legalizing Plants in the Terrace

It's about time - I've been doing this illegally for 15 years or so . . .

Likely Incomplete City Week Ahead

Absurdly inaccurate, likely many additions and changes to be announced throughout the week . . . with an obnoxious amount of meetings during the day when most people are at work . . . and less and less links.

What the Council will Talk About Tonight

The following items, plus whatever the public comes to talk about.

County Week Ahead

Unlike the city, this one rarely changes - cuz they're still MAILING items out to some committees - can't wait for their version of Legistar so items can be more accessible on-line!!!

Um . . . How does this work?

A city committee is meeting today that was never created, never appointed by the mayor, never approved by the council, not in legistar or on the city committee list. Guess which one?!