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Topics related to the city of Madison.

3 Day Week Ahead

Well, here's what I have for now, not much time to add anything this week, but I'm sure they will . . . Tuesday,...

Wow, What a Consent Agenda . . .

4 pages long, really? And there will probably be changes . . .

Maniaci’s Open Records Request

A few random thoughts on Maniaci's recent open records request to "determine who ratted her out to the press", in regards to her health-care...

Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Assn. Wishes for 800 E Washington

What do they want to see in a development on this large vacant downtown block?

What will the Council talk about Tonight? (Updated)

Here's the items they will talk about, unless the public shows up and speaks to any of the other items.

Madison 4th Safest City in the U.S!

You'd never know it the way we talk around here. Here's the FACTS about downtown crime.

City Week Ahead

Another day, another week, more meetings. But none tonight.

Do you want monthly water bills?

It'll probably help your finances a whole lot better than the tax bill item them Mayor has arguing with the county over, but its not in his budget. The council will get a briefing on it tomorrow, even tho its not on the weekly meeting schedule . . . yet . . .

More antics by my alder in sale of the Collins House.

More head-spinning Maniaci antics and questionable ethics.

Random Round Up

Still catching up from vacation - so here's a few random things I didn't have more time for.

City Week Ahead Is Really Messed Up

October! Already!

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part IV: Leverage Mainstream Resources

Mainstream resources, how can we connect them to housing to help people be successful in housing?