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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Last week I think only 2 committees met - this week it looks like 23 at the moment - of course that will change. The Common Council will try again to meet - for the third time. Water Utility will be talking PFAS, and more . ..
what will the council talk about

What will the council talk about tonight?

The council meeting started 2 minutes ago, hopefully I finish this before they end their meeting!

City Week Ahead

Council meeting this week, several committee nearing end of their work and creating reports (Urban Forestry, Surveillance), Street Tree Speces list, a new Police and Fire Commission Attorney to be hired soon and so much more.
Round Up

Round Up

Almost 20 different things in my email inbox I think readers of this blog might be interested in!  Cuz I can't make 20 more blogs than the ones I already do . . . 

Local Government News Round Up

Last weeks local government news - check to make sure you didn't miss something of interest!

City Week Ahead

Lame Duck Week Edition. This is the last full week for 9 outgoing alders and the mayor. New elected officials sworn in on the 16th.

City Week Ahead

Ordinance on Festival Fatigue at a couple meetings, Council meeting (reconsideration of security for Tree Lane, air conditioning ordinance, dogs in the city-county building, what will go in at the Truman Olson site and more.

Catching Up with Oscar Mayer Area Strategic Assessment Report

The City of Madison Common council is about to adopt the report - meaning this will become city policy and directives, so what are they adopting? Here's a summary of the action taken and the summary of the 48 page report. It also includes a great appendix about Equitable Economic Development - which I think is the most interesting part of the report.

Madison Property Management – Doesn’t Care about the Law

Students, renters, beware. They have no qualms about violating your rights if you live downtown this weekend, or anytime else.

City Creates Website for Updates on Tree Lane

Don't get too excited, it doesn't have a lot of information yet. Here's what I know.
mo' meetings and round up

Mo Meetings and Round Up

So irritating that before 9am there are already new city meetings posted that weren't there Friday afternoon . . . and a smattering of other things going on around town . . .

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Round Up

In terms of getting press for something you care about, I can't think of a worse thing to happen to a press conference, than for the County Executive to announce her surprise resignation an hour before your press conference.