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Topics related to the city of Madison.

F35s: What Actually Passed the Council?

So I'm skipping 3/4 of the meeting and jumping to the council discussion, motions and voting. What happened after we all went to bed? Check to see what your alder did, or didn't, have to say!

City Rain/Flooding Updates for Overnight

City Updates: Heaviest Rain Expected Overnight, Minimal Flooding Reported During the Day

Madison PFAS data withheld cuz public “wouldn’t understand”

Here is a great example of the games played with agendas, legistar and lack of minutes and handouts at meetings. Thank you to Maria and Jim Powell for their continued work with the Midwest Environmental Justice Organization (MEJO) and this fantastic blog post.

Mental Health Police Officers only respond to 12% of Mental Health Calls

Chief Koval's blog today has the 2018 report on Mental Health (Police) Officers.  So I took a look.  (Before you yell at me for that photo, that photo was in their report.)

Soglin’s “Off Season” Campaign Contributions

Because of the Ethics Complaint saying that commercial real estate owners met with the mayor and they were campaign contributors, I started digging into Soglin's campaign contributions on the off season and I found some curious things.
Round Up

Thursday Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Mo' meetings, news and very little extra to add today. With Rosh Hashanah, budget, flooding and Koval's retirement, seems like there is room for little else!
Round Up

Round Up (4/20/19)

Another round of things in my e-email inbox you might be interested in. Mostly City and Community Announcements

No issues with schools and youth in Madison?

Imagine if there was a committee where school board members, county board supervisors, city alderpersons and the community came together to discuss how to improve the lives of young people in Madison and Dane County. How powerful could that be? And why did former Mayor Paul Soglin and former School Superintendent Jen Cheatam, along with now School Board President Gloria Reyes keep trying to reign in that committee? Now that they are free . . . what could they be?

Speak Out Against F-35s on Monday

Speak Out Against F-35s! Monday, September 23 - Help us spread the word and lift up the voices of the community, in the most affected areas.

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.
Round Up

Friday Round Up 9/27/19

This is oh so very late . . . hopefully you are out having fun and starting your weekend.  So, for the record, here's what I got and you can read later!
what will the council talk about

UPDATED: What will the council talk about tonight?

This is currently what is planned, there are no items requested by alders for separation, so it could be a short meeting.  However, it can also change at the meeting.  This is an amended agenda with an additional item and one correction.