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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Wednesday and Thursday look a little light, expect quite a few additions I suspect, the "weekly schedule" changes throughout the week and changes can be found here.

Partial Shower Solution for the Homeless?

From . . . wait for it . . . Dave Wiganowsky! :)

Importance of Occupy

Life, or death.

Dean Brasser Retiring

Sigh . . . this is a bummer. Knew about it last week, was hoping it wasn't true . . .

Board of Estimates Meeting – minus the Budget

Here's the items they had on their agenda and what happened - before they got to the department presentations on the budget

City Week Ahead

Sigh, sure to be incomplete. Watch for updates later today and tomorrow.

Why Doesn’t the City Hire Women in Leadership?

People of Color and People with Disabilities get hired - wages not so great. Women, not so good - in both getting hired and wages.

Housing is a Human Right Resolution

I think this is the final version! Will you or your group sign on?

My Impressions of the Neighborhood Meeting on a Day Center (Updated!)

It wasn't one of a neighborhood up in arms about all kinds of NIMBY issues - they just wanted what most of us want - information and to be treated with respect. And based on their vote at the end of the meeting . . . I think many are comfortable with this happening in the neighborhood - but think it is not the best option. And they learned of another option.

Blaska’s Baffoonery

From yesterday's post, two items. Taxicabs and RTA.

Occu-PIE Fundraiser

January 29th, Fountain Bar, 5 - 7:30, Pie, Music by Combustible Trio, cash bar, good times. See you there! Let me know if you want to sponsor.

County Board Recap, Part I

So, here we go . . . mostly live blogged . . .