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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Psssst . . . County Board (non?) Elections Coming Up!

Filing deadline for candidates is January 7th, question is, does anyone in Madison even know? Or care? Only 7 races in of 37 districts.

And the Answer is . . .

The county answers my previously denied open records request, kinda, they gave me the information, but my request is still denied.

TIF Should Have Community Benefits

I think everyone agrees, we just don't agree to what degree - actual benefits or benefits that never materialize.


Why ya gotta be like that?

Open Records Training!

For the city :(. Maybe some county staff can attend?

No Guard, No Involuntary Commitment, No Services

Minor tweaks to the City County Building rules that probably won't do much different than what is already happening in the building - except make people feel like they are doing something. Of course, it all sounded good last night, but lets see how it gets implemented.

Monday’s Changes to the City Week Ahead

Five of them.

Why Not Just Tell Us?

Ok, why won't anyone say where the $50,000 for operating and $75,000 for renovating the day center is coming from. My first ever open records request denial - after about 20 years of submitting them without problems.

County Week Ahead

Last week before two weeks of mostly downtime.

Severely Flawed City Week Ahead

Sure to be missing 6 - 10 meetings.

The Right to be Publicly Critical

For nonprofit staff, that right is being denied or at least highly discouraged by the City (and County?).

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.